Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why don't you just get the Rhogam shot? Take some more iron!

Kell is so misunderstood by so many people because it is so rare. When we got to St. Louis, the Dr called us "The Famous Ones" they had been waiting for. Ha! Wish I wasn't famous for something like this! Ironic that Matt is reading all about King Henry VIII having Kell. He was only able to have one living child. The rest didn't make it because of Kell. I am praising God right now that we are living in 2012 and we now have technology to help us get this Krazy Kell Baby here hopefully.

Back to the logistics, no shot can help Kell like the Rhogam shot does with RH. I am not anemic, but the baby is. Because I am fighting him off, he is working way too hard for blood which makes him anemic. They scan for this weekly my doing an MCA Scan. Basically they look at the blood flow in the babies brain. There is a specific chart and numbers for each week of preganancy that contains average and danger zones. At 26 weeks baby was a little higher than the average 33cm/sec. He was at 35cm/sec. This week at 27 weeks the average moved up to 40 cm/sec. Baby measured at 59 cm/sec. Huge red flags to our Perinatologist, and here we are in St. Louis. Yesterday his number looked better. It is so scary because they can jump so much in so little time. Again, it is a pure roller coaster ride with Kell babies. They are going to come check today and average them out I think. Not really sure what to hope for- wanting numbers to be high so he can get a transfusion now if he is going to need it soon. I would love for the numbers to stay low until delivery, which is now moved up to 34 weeks, but that might be too wishful of thinking. We can certainly tell that all the prayers and prayer chains that we are on are working! God is good all the time:)

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